Connected with the world through Amateur Radio.
Focused on Scott County through Community Service



I. Who Are We?

II. Our Goals

III. Links and Downloads


We are an eclectic group of people from all walks of life, who have one thing in common:

We thoroughly enjoy Amateur Radio!

Activities: There are many different aspects of Amateur Radio to investigate, and activities to enjoy. You can literally spend the rest of your life exploring and enjoying the wide variety available to you in this wonderful hobby. Our club members enjoy so many different aspects of the hobby that space wont allow us enough room to mention all of them on our website, but a few which come to mind include:

Rag Chewing, participating in Voice and Digital Nets on VHF and HF, DXing (contacting hams in far away countries), Contesting, Awards and Paper Chasing, QSL collecting, Radio Direction Finding, Fox Hunts, T-Hunts, Radio Balloon Launch, Chase, and Recovery, Morse Code, Email over Amateur Radio (Winink), Computer Chat Rooms over Amateur Radio (FLDIGI), attending HamFests, participating in Emergency Communications, ARES, RACES, and SKYWRN Storm Spotter Nets, Traffic Handing, QRP (the challenge of making low power contacts), Antenna Building, Electronics (building radios and equipment), Vintage Equipment (refurbishing an using), APRS (Automatic Position Reporting), running and/or contacting Special Event Stations, contacting and/or activating Parks On The Air, Summits on the Air, Islands on the Air, Light Houses on the Air, Ships on the Air, participating in Public Service events handling (back up communications for races, parades, events), Satellite Radio, contacting astronauts on the International Space Station, Moon Bounce, BroadBand HamNet (HSMESH: setting up computer networks which run over amateur radio), ATV (TV over Amateur Radio), etc.

Noted for Excellent Presentation and VE Exams: Our club has long been known for hosting experts in various areas of amateur radio, covering not only the above list, but many other topics of interest to Hams. Folks have been known to drive from as far away as Vicksburg, Port Gibson, Meridian, and Quitman to attend our presentations and also to take their Technician, General, and Extra exams. Our VE Team members signatures can be found on the paperwork of most amateur radio operator's in Central Mississippi. Occasionally our club also hosts hands-on workshops, antenna builds, and Radio Direction Finding events.

Noted for Excellence in Emergency Communications: The Scott County Amateur Radio Club was originally founded by the first Scott County ARES Emergency Coordinator (who later went on to become the first Section Emergency Coordinator in charge of ARES for the state of Mississippi) and three of his Assistant Emergency Coordinators.

From the very beginning our club's primary focus was providing emcomm during emergencies and disasters, as well as providing Storm Spotter assistance to the National Weather Service through the Scott County Severe Weather Net. Our ARES and SKYWARN teams have activated numerous times over the years and have won accolades from ARRL for passing large amounts of emergency traffic.

Our club was also the first in the state to create and use a BroadBand HamNet (a computer MESH network which ran entirely over an amateur radio frequency) for emergency back up communications. We used it on several occasions and at local races to host a central web page, a phone PBX, and to transmit live video from the field to a command and control area.

Unique Monthly Meetings: In 2020 we adopted a unique structure for our monthly meetings, one which makes them much more interesting and educational for both new Hams and old Hams alike. Its also a great format for persons who dont have an Amatuer Radio license yet, but are interested in getting into the hobby. In addition to eating a meal togther, having intersting program presentations, and offering VE Exams, we added a Q & A session during which anyone can ask any questions they have about any aspect of amatuer radio and have them answered, we also added a Show & Tell session for folks who want to show off their latest amatuer radio gear, or who want to share with the group what new amatuer radio activities they've been up to lately. So whether you like asking questions, giving answers, showing and sharing, or just quietly listening, we've got you covered during our club meetings. Meeting Details Here

Club Politics: We are the opposite of those uppity clubs which have a heavy handed top down approach. Instead, we are a down-to-earth group of friends who avoid club politics altogether. We simply enjoy getting together each month to eat a good meal, to share our knowledge about the hobby with each other, and to grow together as Amateur Radio Operators. You wont have to pass any suggestions through leadership or a special committee for approval in our club. Heck, we don't even have any special committees. We're always interested in any new ideas our members have for exploring our favorite hobby. (Just be prepared to take the lead on your suggestion.) Join us for a refreshing take on the amateur radio club experience.

One last thing: We may not be the oldest amateur radio club in the state, nor the largest amateur radio club in the state. But one thing people have been telling us over and over again for the last ten years: we are the Friendliest Amateur Radio Club in the state.

We hope you will visit with us soon and find out for yourself.

Guests are always welcome to join us for some good food, good fellowship, and an interesting presentation on the first Thursday of every month in our large private dinning room at Penn's Restaurant, located right beside the I-20 Exit 88, at 1550 Highway 35, south Forest, MS 39074. Meeting Details Here





The Scott County Amateur Radio Club was founded for the following purposes:

1. To encourage and facilitate the use of Amateur Radio for emergency and disaster communications in Scott County.

2. To serve the communities of Scott County by providing public service communications during community events such as festivals, races, and parades

3. To promote and encourage individual interest in, the art and science of Amateur Radio and provide exam preparation and VE testing for persons seeking licensure.

4. To promote technical competence and individual operating proficiency in Amateur Radio.

5. To promote good fellowship among members of the Club and among members of the Amateur Radio community as a whole.

6. To encourage the cooperation of all Amateur Radio clubs in Mississippi for the mutual benefit of all amateur radio operators.

7. To support the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) which is the national organization for Amateur Radio Operators in the United States.



III. Links and Downloads


Membership Application
Membership Renewal Form
Club Constitution: Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws


What is Ham Radio

Quick Start Guide or Newly Licensed Hams (pdf)

Capital City HamFest (Jackson, MS)

About Scott County, MS

Amateur Radio Direction Finding in Mississippi (Fox Hunts, T-Hunts, ARDF, etc)

100 Things You Can Do with Amateur Radio





Scott County ARES & SKYWARN:

The foundation and original planning for having an Amateur Radio Club in Scott County began in 2010 when K1REZ and W5JMJ established the county's first ARES and SKYWARN Teams, the first weekly ARES Training Net in Scott County, and the first Severe Weather Net in Scott County. Several future NCS for the Mississippi Section Phone Net on HF, and most of the future ARES Emergency Coordinators for Hinds, Rankin, Madsion, and Scott counties, the future Mississippi Section Emergency Coordinator, the future State RACES Officer at MEMA, and most of the future club Presidents for SCARC, CMARA, and JARC received their first net control, traffic handling, and emcomm training through these two Scott County nets.

The Scott County ARES Team & Net Founders: K1REZ and W5JMJ
The Scott County SKYWARN Team & Net Founders: K1REZ and W5JMJ


The Scott County Amateur Radio Club:

The Scott County Amateur Radio Club was founded by K1REZ, the ARES District Emergency Coordinator for East Central Mississippi, and his Assistant Scott County Emergency Coordinators: W5JMJ, KC5IIW, KF5VVU, and KF5UBZ. The original purpose of the founding was to have an organization in Scott County which would provide members and finacial resources in support of our ARES and SKYWARN teams.

Scott County Amateur Radio Club Founders: K1REZ, W5JMJ, KC5IIW, KF5VVU, KF5UBZ

Club Presidents:

2013: K1REZ
2014: KC5IIW
2015: KC5IIW
2016: KF5UBZ
2017: W5MSV
2018: W5MSV
2019: KF5VVU
2020: K1REZ
2021: N5SPJ
2022: K5ERB
2023: N5KAH

Copyright 2010 - 2023 Scott County ARC, K1REZ